Friday, March 2, 2012

So, I was tinkering around with the site, trying to figure out how to adjust the settings for comments (anyone know how to let someone post a comment as name/url so they can backlink it to their blog?), when I discovered what could be either a very marvelous or a very scary thing (or more likely a completely inconsequential thing)...I can follow myself. 

It might be like the blind leading the blind, but I'm going to do it...because I can. 

I am now officially following my own blog.
SO...I noticed I start a lot of my Facebook status updates, which are really just the random ramblings of my twisted inner mind (or more often, fascinating gems of knowledge I've gleaned from least I find them fascinating), with the word "so." So what could be more appropriate for the title of a blog which will be fueled by even more random mind ramblings, and possibly more sparkling dictionary gems, than SO...

So, here I am.

I've been entertaining the notion of starting a blog for quite some time but have been apprehensive.  What would it be about? Who would want to read it? When would I find the time?

Well, it would probably be about everything I can possibly think of and nothing in particular.

I would hope my friends would read it, be entertained enough to tell their friends to read it, who would then pass it on to their friends, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, and ditto, until the entire populace of Earth would stand in anticipation of my next glorious post.

And I would have to work on it after the kiddies have gone to bed but before my own exhausted brain collapses.

So, Dear Reader, welcome aboard, buckle up, and enjoy the ride.